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Federated States of Duvall

Page created December 8, 2024
Last edited December 8, 2024

Duvall, officially the Federated States of Duvall - rarely abbreviated as FS Duvall - (also improperly referred to as Duvallestein or Duvallestine) was a micronation located in North America. It was founded on December 21st of 2023 as a successor to the State of Thejistan. It was led by Waqiy al-Narjid until it was taken over in the spring of 2024 by Nepeta Leijon and transformmed into the LOLCAT.


Duvall was located in the same boundaries as Thejistan before it, only the internal divisions being changed to the states of Crag and Hamburgeflorosapiarsex. After the brief civil war in February, Hamburgeflorosapiarsex would transform into Barbecuebaconburgersex alongside the creation of the Nesut Biti Autonomous Territory.

Duvall, before the February civil war

Duvall, after the civil war

Government and Politics

Constitutionally, Duvall was a presidential republic. In reality, it more-so resembled a one-party dictatorship. The State of Hamburgeflorosapiarsex was completely isolationist, with its representatives going out of their way to encourage the leadership of Crag not to engage in diplomacy.

Like Thejistan, Duvall was constantly embroiled in conflict. It did not see any major developments in the War on Terror ignited by Thejistani leadership, but it did have to suffer the attempted takeover of Cpt. K'nuckles in February, which resulted in civil war; and the Nepetian Coup of May 2024, which saw the nation's end.

A graph showing the heads of state of Thejistan and Duvall in chronological order


Civil War of February 2024

On February 12th of 2024, in a series of events very similar to the Flinstonian Coup in Thejistan, Gemini's account would be hijacked by an unknown assailant who would assume the alias of "Captain K'nuckles" and would promptly establish K'nucklespiratemania to start a civil war with the Narjid administration. The conflict quickly subsided after a series of live negotiations attended to by representatives of the Narjid administration and leaders of members nations in the GOCO.

Nepetian Coup of May 2024

The Narjid administration saw several vain attempts at reinvigorating activity in the nation, which led to a period of stagnation. Gemini Alzirr would fade into obscurity under mysterious circumstances, leading to a similar figure under the name of Nepeta Cecropia Leijon to assume control of the newly-established State of Barbecuebaconburgersex. Shortly after, in the absence of Narjid himself, Leijon would declare Duvall dissolved and establish the LOLCAT.