fuck take me back

The Bon3z Files

Dec 8th, 2022

The following is about like 40-something messages that got purged when Bon3z_LOL was banned from the Bon3z Dimension (now WackyWorld) because Wacky was a doofus and forgot to turn of the message purging setting. Probably not all of the messages that got purged, just what could be salvaged via Dyno logs

note: [>>Unknown<<] = bon3z

note: all of these messages come from November 29th of 2022

[>>Unknown<<]: EH?

[>>Unknown<<]: HUH?

[>>Unknown<<]: shay...

[>>Unknown<<]: shay please, you're only going to make this shit worse

[>>Unknown<<]: everything that's going on rn

[>>Unknown<<]: i've already had a rough night, i don't wanna make anything worse than it already is

[>>Unknown<<]: i don't even fucking know anymore

twelve messages that would be in this spot have been redacted due to privacy shit or somethin

[>>Unknown<<]: they already know everything

[>>Unknown<<]: about everyone

[>>Unknown<<]: you, me, cryo

[>>Unknown<<]: zoonosis

[>>Unknown<<]: everyone

[>>Unknown<<]: @Reddimental gonna give you ownership of this server incase anything... happens


[>>Unknown<<]: reddi, i trust you the most

[>>Unknown<<]: ah

[>>Unknown<<]: i just need SOMEONE to give this place to so the flame doesn't die out

[>>Unknown<<]: most of the stuff in #music-showcase tbh

[>>Unknown<<]: there's so much shit here that needs to be archived

[>>Unknown<<]: @Bushman2000 you own tbd now

[>>Unknown<<]: wait tf is gonna happen

[>>Unknown<<]: i'm uh, slightly scared

[>>Unknown<<]: tf is gonna happen

[>>Unknown<<]: it's a... long story

[>>Unknown<<]: wait, so if i just leave this server, will it still stay up

[>>Unknown<<]: everything will be archived?

[>>Unknown<<]: that's all i'm worried about right now

[>>Unknown<<]: if i leave this server, will ie still be u-

[>>Unknown<<]: oh

[>>Unknown<<]: give me a few minutes here

[>>Unknown<<]: gotta archive #music-showcase

[>>Unknown<<]: sorry