fuck take me back

The Post-Pandemic Internet Theory: The Whole Thing

July 23rd, 2022

Through the span of nearly all of human history we’ve always liked to split our peers and ourselves into generations, the people born at the time around me, those born at the time of my elders, and those born at the time of my offspring. We now live in the time where those on the internet are as young as six years old, insane. Big websites have attempted to lure children into making accounts, but recent U.S laws put a stop to that, but also hurt popular producers in the process.

That aside, I think this mostly impacts people between ages 10-15, since this is what I’ve seen evident across websites like YouTube and Discord. Most of this plague originates from TikTok, people thinking theyre funny and then build incredibly toxic personalities built around starting arguments and then just fucking spamming you with nerd emojis when you make any kind of counterpoint. This is just an opinion of mine, but I think anyone who spends a decent amount of time on any of these sites can agree at least a little bit.

Oh, but that's not all, it gets worse. There’s been people who've doxxed others, sent death threats, and just be fucking mean for the sake of “being funny” when in reality their being blind little shits with no sense of basic human decency. This can be pointed towards the origin point that we were all cooped up in our homes for 2 years, and I understand that, but it doesnt mean you have to go fucking insane and get someone SWATed for something they probably didnt even do.



Oh fucking boy, were really doing this ok. So basically, a lot of people who fit the post-pandemic internet demographic just so happen to frequent the platform Discord, a pretty cool place in concept and execution, but once you’re exposed to this side of Discord things get annoying quickly. First of all there’s all these bait-and-switch memes of like pride parades or some shit but right after 0:00 its a bunch of Nazi propaganda or the sort, fucking disgusting. Then those some people throw the n-word and hard r like its a fucking greeting or some shit. On the other side of the same server there’s God damned Amy, or some name like that, a 14 year old LGBT community ally or member, just entered high school, now I’m no way intended to try and diss LGBT no no theyre great people sometimes but this particular sect of them just seem to make it their whole personality, and just like the Nazis use “gay” and slurs n shit I can't say as an insult, they throw around “straight” and “cis” as insults for some reason. I don’t mean to sound like the 13 year old Joker “society” meme fan but God motherfuckin damn theres actual fucking like factions to these servers, let me LARP and eat my Cheetos damnit.


TikTok "trends"

Ok now we move onto the abomination site, and this is by no means a recent deal, ever since we were forced into our homes in 2020 people have found the time to just make insanely cringey videos and somehow farm millions of views from it. Most of these trends involve generally being an asshole, maybe I’m not getting a memo here but I’m pretty sure these people probably just shouldnt be allowed to produce content. Theres also a semi-dead emergence people call “prank” videos, which in reality is just being a dick to the victim, just fucking screaming into their face for a few weeks of views on an app that (hopefully) will be in the trash in a few good years.

In some kind of conclusion, I think people would call me “nostalgia-blind” or some kind of edgy tryhard trying to challenge society or whatever the actual insult is since everythings changing so fucking quickly on the scale of whats “funny” and whats “cringe”. All I know is I think I’d rather get deployed to Mosul back in 2014 than spend 5 seconds watching a modern “meme”. I just wanna spend 10 minutes scrolling any fucking platform without getting SWATed by a bunch of 11 year olds trying to invent a vegetable.