fuck take me back

Well, the Third Chechen War wasn't on my Bingo card

August 5th, 2022

So on July 20th this year some Chechen guys made this video declaring a war against Russia, and basically talking about restarting the Chechen Wars. Yeah I wasn't expecting this either.

see original post here

see translation here

So this may or may not start the Third fucking Chechen War but everythings kind of already gone into chaos right now over there so I don't see why not. We're probably gonna see fuckin ISIS 2.0 if these guys are radical enough and the U.S still has that whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset from the 70s and 80s, which plunged them into a war against the Taliban for 20 years, and ISIS for just less then 10 years, even though really no one else was involved in the Chechen Wars of the 90s these guys actually seem serious enough to do more damage than before.

Oh yeah and a comment pointed out if this were to span out more than just Chechnya, these guys could get their hands on fucking nukes.

God I miss 2020 when we just thought WW3 was gonna come from droning that Iranian guy.

I mean realistically speaking the people behind this video are probably either in some kind of political prison or dead by now.