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from Wackipedia, last updated 9:22 PM 8/18/2022

Thejistan, officially the State of Thejistan is a micronation located in Bir Tawil. It was declared on August 6th, 2022 by WackyH and the latest version of the constitution was passed August 9th.


Thejistan was declared to claim the Bir Tawil triangle on August 6th, 2022 by its first President, WackyH. A constitution was drafted, passed, and revised twice over the span of the following 3 days to August 9th. On August 8th several government officials were then appointed to the offices of the Minister of Kra, Supreme Judge and Head of the Armed Forces, and seats in the Thejistani Assembly.

August 9th the Assembly issued a travel advisory not to go to the Netherlands.

On August 11th the Head of the Armed Forces designed a coat of arms for Thejistan and the design was approved, he went on to also make several designs for orders (medals).


The government of Thejistan consists of a congress called the Thejistani Assembly, which is in charge of all legislature in the country, the President of Thejistan, the Ministers, and different government officials get a vote in the Assembly. Ministers are assigned by the President and can be dismissed at any time with proper reasoning. The President is limited to a 5 year term but can re-run in any future election.

The Minister of Kra essentially acts as a right-hand man or assistant to the President while not serving as a full Vice President since that position and office do not exist.


Court in Thejistan is handled by the several courts overseen by the Supreme Judge. Nearly all law in Thejistan is governed by the Constitution, and a document covering extended laws and punishment is currently being drafted.

When a person is prosecuted and taken to a court, they are put on trial with evidence presented to the judge, the judge then makes a decision on if the person put on trial should be jailed or not with the assistance of a small jury.


The military of Thejistan consists of the Thejistan Armed Forces, with the Head of the Armed Forces in charge of the branch.