fuck take me back

Fourth Bon3z Dimension Nuke

from Wackipedia, last updated 7:05 PM 7/19/2022

The Fourth Bon3z Dimension Nuke was an incident in the Bon3z Dimension Discord server involving ex-member pphrph and administrator Cryo. In the early hours of July 19th, 2022, the server's owner, Bon3z_LOL announced he was going to be on vacation. Later in the day, around 6:30 PM, every channel in the server was deleted, with a channel named #get-fucked-bon3z created where the perpetrators acused Bon3z_LOL of pedophilia. Soon after every member of the server excluding WackyH, smf's alt, Zoonosis, Cyro, and pphrph, the last two later were either banned or left.


After the server was nuked, another server using main TBD's server template was created as a backup to follow in order restore the main TBD server, a "restoration crew" was assembled in the main server to re-create every asset that was deleted in the nuke, including channels, roles, and unbanning innocent members.